scarlett's inspiration

Hi, I'm Shelly! I'm originally from North Florida and have been serving equestrians in Florida and Georgia since 2015. I've recently moved to Birmingham, Alabama for my husband to pursue his career. This project is open to those within 3 hours of Live Oak, FL or Birmingham, AL. This project was inspired by my Heart Horse, Scarlett, who I recently lost to an undiagnosed illness. You can read her story here. I believe everyone deserves photos of their Heart Horse. Often times photos are not on our mind until a tragedy happens, or until we realize time is running out. This project is to help people realize that the time to photograph your horse is NOW, because you never know how long you have.

This project is intended for those who have a Heart Horse. The project will consistent of photos of/with the horse along with a story describing why the horse is a "Heart Horse" to the owner. 
Heart Horse: noun. A heart horse is a term used by horse lovers to describe a horse that is like a soul mate. A heart horse is a horse that one loves unconditionally and feels a deep connection with. A heart horse is usually the most special horse in one's riding career.

Who can apply?

about the photographer


If selected for this model call you will be required to sign a model release, write a story/fill out a questionnaire about your horse, and complete a Google Review following the completion of your session.
