Senior Pictures with Horses

Noelle and Uno

Senior pictures with horses. Ocala equestrian photography. Horse and rider. Jumper horse. Girl with her horse. Horse and rider posing ideas.

It was obvious that Noelle would have her senior photos taken with horses. She’s been riding horses for years and has only grown more and more fond of the sport as time progressed. Uno came into her family about a year ago and together they have been competing in the jumpers together. We took these photos on Noelle’s family property near Tampa that was recently built. Uno had only recently been moved to the property. I am so excited for Noelle as she continues her journey with horses–she has hopes of going pro one day and is well on her way to making that dream happen!

Senior photography is one of my favorite things to photograph, but when paired with a horse… well that’s just icing on the cake! Equestrian seniors are the best of both worlds. My equestrian seniors typically own or lease a horse of their own, I do not provide horses for photoshoots. I do provide my equestrian seniors the option to have two locations for their senior portraits. Typically I suggest a downtown location/urban location in addition to the barn. However, most of my equestrian seniors opt to just do all of their photos at the barn/with horses as that’s where they spend the most time! If you would like senior photos with horses, but do not own or lease, you will need to contact a local barn to you to see if they will allow you to rent/use a horse for the afternoon. However, I do not recommend taking photos with horses if you have no prior horse experience as horses.

Contact me now to schedule your senior photos with horses.

Horse and Rider

Noelle and Uno
