Horse Photographer near Auburn, Alabama

Horse photographer near Auburn, Alabama takes photos of gorgeous Paint Horse mare on fine art black background.
Graffiti really showed off for the camera during her equine fine art session. She was patient as we “changed outfits”. Her mom has owned her for over 20 years so wanted to do the whole shebang. We started off in Graffiti’s nameplate halter, then moved to a bridle, then finished with a photo halter to get a “naked” look. Once we got all of the traditional poses, we let Graffiti really show off. Because she has so many unique markings, we did some creative close ups of her coat. Finally, we finished with Graffiti doing her trick (begging for a treat). Lifting her leg created a stunning, non-traditional photo that I have personally become obsessed with. I even have a metal in my office of it! I love the strength and beauty the photo shows off.
If you’re interested in have a horse photographer near Auburn, Alabama take fine art photos of your horse like these, contact me here.